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All About Installations and Delivery

Ascential Buildings - All About Installations and Delivery
All About Installations and Delivery 2

There are a lot of questions when it comes to delivery and installation for a building! You might find yourself asking  the following: 

  • How long does it take to have a wooden building installed on my property?  
  • How far away do we deliver? 
  • And what do I need to do to prepare for delivery? 

We have you covered. Check out the sections below to learn more about building delivery and installation!

Preparation & Materials

Preparing for your delivery and installation is a breeze! The hardest part of the delivery process is checking to make sure the ground your building is placed on is as level (and dry) as possible. Even in the event that your land is not perfectly level, we have you covered there as well. 

Unless you choose to level the area you want the building placed further (providing a solid foundation)  or wish to provide your own blocks instead of purchasing them from the driver, the driver will use his own blocks to level and set your building. Provided blocks must be on site at the time of delivery and close to the building placement site for easier access, however, drivers carry blocks with them and they can be purchased at that time.


Our incredible delivery team is always working to get your building to you as quickly as possible; typically, our in stock models are only 2 weeks from delivery and custom ordered buildings regardless of size and options are 4 weeks to delivery! We offer delivery to anywhere in WV provided the customer is willing to pay for the additional mileage after the free 30 mile delivery area for each of our locations. Outside of the 30-mile free delivery zone, we also offer delivery with an additional cost based on mileage from the nearest location at the time of purchase. Buildings 8 & 10 feet wide are billed at $2 a mile after 30 and 12 & 14 feet wide buildings are billed at $3.50 a mile.


Given that heavy machinery is used in installation, we ask that you or a trusted adult is present! Your building cannot be installed without an adult to sign for it. 

Your new building can be placed on bare ground, gravel, asphalt or even an existing concrete pad, and we want to make sure it ends up exactly where you want it. For level land, an installation can be done as quickly as 30 minutes! With this being said, we ask you to allot at least 2 hours in your day to ensure we have plenty of time to level the building as safely and efficiently as possible.

Our  experienced drivers use a “MULE” which is a machine designed to move and lift the buildings. Once the driver has the building in place he or she will lift the building at each end and place the blocks under each of the runners underneath the building in 6 inch increments until level. 

If your yard is larger, and your building is being moved significantly far into it,  the driver can either pull the building into place or use wheels. However, it should be noted that wheel ruts are extremely common but heal quickly! 

If you have any questions about the delivery process or installation, please feel free to reach out and speak with one of our sales representatives for more information!

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Ascential Buildings of Beckley, West Virginia
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